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ハインツ・ジールマン(Heinz Sielmann、1917年6月2日 – 2006年10月6日)は、世界的に有名なドイツの野生生物写真家、動物学者およびドキュメンタリー映画製作者。

ノルトライン=ヴェストファーレン州メンヒェングラットバッハ市出身。1938年に初めて製作したキツツキを題材とした長編映画『Zimmerleute des Waldes』(英語名: Woodpecker)がイギリスで高く評価され、以後「ミスター・ウッドペッカー」の愛称で呼ばれた。代表作に『猛獣最後の王国』(Lords of the Forest、オーソン・ウェルズのナレーションを加えアメリカで公開された時のタイトルはMasters of the Congo Jungle、1959年)、ベルリン映画祭銀熊賞およびイタリアトレント映画祭(イタリア語版)最高金賞受賞作『ガラパゴス-世界最後の秘境』(Galapagos - Dream Island in the Pacific、1962年)、『Vanishing Wilderness』『The Mystery of Animal Behavior』などがあり、世界中で大成功を収めた。

1940年にドイツ占領下のアダム・ミツキェヴィチ大学で動物学を専攻している。1960年代末頃、ナショナルジオグラフィック協会と共同で製作していた野生生物のドキュメンタリーの仕事を通じて、後にアカデミー賞を受賞する昆虫を題材とした1971年制作のドキュメンタリー『The Hellstrom Chronicle』でコンビを組む写真家ワーロン・グリーンと知り合った。また1974年にはアメリカの野生生物ドキュメンタリー『Birds do it..., Bees do it...』にも撮影技師として参加した。

一方、ドイツにビーバーやカワウソを呼び戻し、また子供たち自然保護に対する関心を高めることを目的とした基金Heinz Sielmann-Stiftungを1974年に設立した。ジールマンが製作したシリーズ『Expeditionen ins Tierreich』(英訳:Expeditions into the Animal Kingdom)は、ドイツで最も知られた動物のドキュメンタリーである。1994年、ミュンヘン大学名誉教授。2005年、ドイツ環境賞ライフワーク名誉賞受賞。


ハインツ・ジールマン生誕 101 周年

2018/06/02 Sat

Today’s Doodle celebrates the renowned biologist and documentary filmmaker, Heinz Sielmann. Sielmann is also often recognized as ‘Mr. Woodpecker’, a nickname earned after the release of one of his most beloved wildlife documentaries showing the mysterious lives of Woodpeckers—filmed at times from within the bird’s nest.

Heinz Sielmann was born in Germany, in 1917, and moved to East Prussia at a young age where his father opened a business of electrical and building materials. Even in his early childhood, Sielmann had a fascination with the natural world; often waking up early to observe birds before school. At the age of 17, after being given his first camera, he traded in his sketches for photographs of his natural surroundings.

One of Sielmann’s most notable achievements was his development of Carpenters of the Forest which featured the elusive Woodpecker in a degree of depth that had not been seen before. Sielmann placed cameras inside of the woodpecker’s nests and in doing so captured intimate moments between parent and offspring. The film was an enormous success globally and was followed by a book about it’s making. In it Sielmann wrote, “of all the animals that I have worked with, the woodpeckers are my favourites... because I was able to find out many new facts about the biology of these birds.”

In the late 1950’s, Heinz Sielmann released his first feature film, Les Seigneurs de la Forêt (Lords of the Forest), which was commissioned by the King of Belgium and filmed in what was at the time the Belgian Congo. In addition to the wildlife and breathtaking landscapes, Sielmann was of the first to capture the familial and social nature of Gorillas. This film won first place at the Moscow Film Festival and quickly became one of his most revered films—even being translated into 26 languages. Over the following decades, Sielmann continued to make documentary films and series. In 1971 he photographed for the Academy Award winning film The Hellstrom Chronicle, along with Walon Green, about the threat that insects collectively pose to humans and the struggle between the two.

Today’s Doodle depicts Heinz Sielmann as he appeared in his popular TV show Expeditionen ins Tierreich, documenting the forest wildlife that surrounds him.

Doodle illustrated by Dieter Braun.

Early concepts and drafts of the Doodle below.