2016年6月9日 「エリザベス・ガレット・アンダーソン生誕 180 周年」のGoogle
エリザベス・ギャレット=アンダースン(Elizabeth Garrett Anderson、1836年6月9日 - 1917年12月17日)は、イギリス最初の女性医師である。英国医師会(British Medical Association:BMA)の最初の入会を認められた女性であり、1883年から1903年の間、女子医学校の医学部長を務めた。婦人科と産科のパイオニアとして働いた。
1871年2月、船主で Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Companyの経営者であったジェームズ・アンダースン(James George Skelton Anderson)と結婚した。3人の子供が生まれ、娘のルイーザは医師となり、息子のアランは後に保守党の下院議員となった。
1918年にロンドン大学が運営する病院がギャレット=アンダースンの功績を記念して、Elizabeth Garrett Anderson and Obstetric Hospitalと改名された。
Born 180 years ago today, Elizabeth Garrett Anderson was the first woman to qualify as a physician and surgeon in Britain. She had a penchant for “firsts,” snagging many more during her illustrious career. She co-founded the first hospital staffed by women, and became the first dean of a British medical school. She even broke barriers across borders as France’s first female doctor.#google
Her accomplishments were gained through struggle and tenacity. When she was barred from medical school, she studied privately through tutors. Though the system prevented women from obtaining a medical degree, Garrett Anderson found a loophole and passed her medical exam with the highest marks.
As Britain’s first female doctor, Garrett Anderson was a fearless advocate for the care and advancement of women. Today’s doodle memorializes the infrastructure she set up to usher other women into the profession, as well as her devotion to the poor women and children she treated at her clinic.
After a long and successful career, Garrett Anderson broke one more barrier: becoming Britain’s first female mayor in 1908.